Do parakeets get lonely? This is a question that many bird owners have asked themselves. Birds are the perfect companions for some people because they can be hand-fed, take up little space, and are easy to tame and care for. But, what about the parakeet. Is it's human companion enough or do parakeets get lonely?
In this article, we will discuss how parakeets might react when left alone in your home and what you should do if you notice them becoming withdrawn or upset!
How To Keep Your Parakeet From Getting Lonely
Parakeets are very social birds, and as such, they do not appreciate being left alone for long periods of time.
If you work a lot and are not able to spend much time with your parakeet, it is often recommended that you get a second bird (this does not always have to be a parakeet or budgie, however). A cage mate is usually enough to keep your parakeet from feeling lonely.
The number one rule when it comes to keeping your birds happy is this: the more time you spend with them, the happier they will be!
If getting a second bird is not an option, then you really need to put the time and effort into playing and socializing with your bird more often.
Simply greeting your parakeet each time you walk by his cage and spending 5 to 10 minutes playing with him will really help your parakeet feel less lonely.
Some people have had success keeping their birds from getting lonely by putting the cage in a room where they are often around. For example, if you watch tv in the living room, position the cage or playgym there so that your bird can be near you.
Parakeets, like most animals and humans, get lonely when they are not around the people they care about. So, if possible, try to spend as much time with your bird as you can in order for him/her to get used to being around other people that he trusts!
What Are The Signs Your Bird Is Lonely?
Most people just suspect that their bird is lonely, usually out of guilt! Typically, you will know when you have not had the most time for your bird and are just about feeding and changing his water!
There will be some tell-tale signs, in this case – you might want to read this post – “My Parakeet Hates Me” – 10 Ways To Make Your Parakeet Like You More
Now, I am not saying your bird hates you… but, he will definitely display some signs that you aren't in his good books!
- His behavior has changed towards you. He doesn't come to you as readily and doesn't seem very excited anymore.
- He is scared of your hand all over again. Feels like you were taming him one day and all was going well and then all of a sudden you are back to square one and having to convince him that ‘hooman-hand-is-good-hooman-hand-is-safe', all over again.
- No matter how many times you shove spray millet in his face he just want take it.
- You had a second bird/mate and it passed away and you have not gotten around to replacing it.
The list truly could go on. But the point is that, just like humans, parakeets get sad and lonely and without constant efforts to entertain them they may withdraw.
Long-term Effects Of Loneliness On Parakeets
People often ask if parakeets can die of stress. To which the immediate answer is no, they cannot directly die of stress, however, there are some long-term effects of loneliness on parakeets that may eventually lead to death.
No one wants their beloved parakeet to die early because they were alone at home! And no matter how much you care for your bird, if it is left without enough attention he will become stressed and sad. Without the ability to relieve this stress, your bird can suffer from long-term stress.
The effects of which are a weakened immune system and becoming more prone to sickness, and that is what leads to death.
Similarly, an unhappy parakeet may make every attempt to escape from his confined area. Being lonely and frustrated in his cage he might just want to find a better home.
Tips On How To Play With A Parakeet
In this post, we go into detail about ways you can play with your parakeet and games you can teach him.
The main thing, however, is that you are putting the time in to socialize with your bird and pet him.
Buying or making new toys is always a good idea and you should rotate toys and perches often. Each time you clean the cage, while the current toys are drying, take the opportunity to swap some toys out.
Parakeets are smart birds and so you should try as many different games and toys as possible until you find something that interests your bird's attention!
Additional Resources On Parakeet Loneliness:
Well, this is not so much a resource but this is a fun little story (and reminder) of what a little lonely parakeet might do… makes you wonder, huh? 🙂
Sparky The Lonely Parakeet
Sparky is a very lonely baby parakeet. Sitting in his cage, by himself all day, feeling sorry for himself. Poor Sparky!
One day something exciting happens to change all of that when he escapes his cage!
Free at last and filled with curiosity and wanderlust, Sparky sets off for adventure…
An adventure to find some friends. But alas, nobody wants to befriend him. He flies on, getting lost amidst new sights until he finds himself in a strange new place…
In conclusion, parakeets should not have to live in lonely conditions. Just like humans, they thrive on company and entertainment. By paying attention to them and giving them plenty of love and attention you will make sure your parakeet grows up happy and healthy!