Best Parakeet Cage Set Up: Setting Up Your Parakeets New Home

Best Parakeet Cage Set Up: Setting Up Your Parakeets New Home

As a new parakeet owner, I'm sure you're asking yourself this question. “What is the best parakeet cage set up? How should a parakeet cage be set up?” 

In this short post, we will tell you how you can get the best set up to ensure your parakeet is happy.

We will tell you the best place to put a parakeet cage, what goes on the bottom of a parakeet cage, and also include some best practices for keeping it clean!

How Big Should A Parakeet Cage Be?

A parakeet is a small bird and doesn't require a huge cage, especially if you will only have one bird in there. However, they will still need enough room to explore in. You will just have to take into consideration the size of the area you are putting the cage in.

If you need more guidance on choosing the right cage for your parakeet, we have a whole guidepost on finding the best parakeet cage, which goes into more detail and shows our best cage choices available to you.

How Should A Parakeet Cage Be Set Up?

Once you have bought the best parakeet cage for your needs (i.e., the best size and shape), there are a few things you will need to do before your new friend moves in. The first thing is to line the bottom of the cage.

What Goes on The Bottom Of A Parakeet Cage? 


A good rule of thumb is to ensure that the bottom of the cage has perches and some type of substrate such as newspaper, wood shavings, or sand.

This is where the parakeet will spend most of its time, so it's best to make their living area as comfortable as possible.

The best substrate for a parakeet cage is newspaper, wood shavings, or sand because they absorb messes and droppings.

It is best to avoid pine shavings and cedar chips because they have a strong odor that can cause respiratory problems in parakeets.

It's best to have two layers with newspaper or paper towels on one side and fleece on the other so that if anything spills out from the top part of the cage onto the bottom layer, then there will be something absorbent below to clean it up quickly. 

That being said, some newspapers are treated with chemicals, such as the ink used in ads for flyers. Parakeets can ingest this ink, and this can be harmful to them.

So, if you are going to use newspaper as a substrate for your parakeet cage, it is best (and environmentally friendly) to get secondhand newspapers from outside of your home and recycle any other papers that have ink on them.

Where Is The Best Place To Put A Parakeet Cage?

Where Is The Best Place To Put A Parakeet Cage?

The best place for a parakeet cage is in an area that has lots of natural light, plenty of room for perching, and lots of room for your bird to fly around. Keep the cage out of drafts, away from heating vents, or other sources of extreme temperatures.

Some people like to place the cage in a living room, which is best when you're home – as it is an active room with lots of opportunities for socializing with your bird.

Other owners keep them outside on balconies with plenty of natural light and fresh air or set up an aviary in the backyard.

This, of course, is not an option for everybody, so choose the best place that provides the conditions above in your home.

If you have other pets in the home, you may want to keep the cage in a more private location so that your bird is not around as much. Other pets can sometimes be distressing for your parakeet.

So the best place for the parakeet's cage depends on what best accommodates your lifestyle and home environment. When considering where to put it, think about how often you'll be home or at work, whether there are other pets, etc.

Adding Toys And Perches

Another rule of thumb when it comes to the best way to set up your parakeet's cage is for you to provide a variety of environmental enrichment opportunities. The following post, What Do Parakeets Need In Their Cage, goes into more detail on what enrichment opportunities, toys, and items you should put in your parakeet's cage.

The cage should be set up with some toys and a place to rest so that they have some quiet time and a place to play and get some exercise.

If you have a large enough parakeet cage, consider adding a second level using ladders so they can explore and climb.

Setting Up Perches In Your Parakeet Cage

Most perches available from the pet store, like these ones here, have been designed to clip right onto the side of your parakeet's cage.

The best way to set up a perch is by clipping it onto the top edge of one end of your birdcage so that they will have enough room for their feet on both ends.

This setup makes sure there is plenty of room for them to stretch out and rest comfortably while they're perched.

Be mindful of placement and do not put any perches directly above or in proximity to food or water dishes as your parakeet could poop into his water dish, spreading bacteria!


So, now that you know the basics of how a parakeet cage should be set up, it's time to buy your new home for your feathered friend. It is important to make sure that you have enough space in the room where you will place their cage and also remember not to put their cage too close to any windows or doors. Also, consider the ventilation in the area where you are planning on keeping your bird. 

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