HELP! Why Is My Parakeet Eating His Poop!?

HELP! Why Is My Parakeet Eating His Poop!?

This blog post will answer the question that has been plaguing parakeet parents for years: why do parakeets eat their poop?

Parakeets are not the only birds who enjoy a good meal of fresh droppings.

Cockatiels and other pet birds have also been known to indulge in this unappetizing habit. But what is it about bird poop that makes them want to eat it?

And how can you stop your bird from eating its own feces? Read on to find out!

Why Do Parakeets Eat Their Poop?

Birds are omnivores, meaning they eat plants and animals. In the wild, they would often find seeds in their feces that they could consume for a second time to give themselves more nutrients from those foods. 

This could be why your parakeet is eating his poop, but it could also be that your bird lacks something in his diet, such as the right kind of seeds that gives him all the nutrients he needs.

If you have been feeding your parakeet only seed mix with no fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins or cuttlebone etc., then he may not be getting everything he needs in his diet.

Try adding some fruit and vegetables to his diet and placing a mineral block in his cage. If he stops eating poop shortly after this adjustment, then you know what the issue was all along.

Eating poop could also be a sign of boredom – your bird might need more stimulation, interaction with humans, or other birds. If it is feasible, get your parakeet another bird friend!

Is It Normal For Parakeets To Eat Their Poop?

In general, parakeets have no interest in eating their own poop, but it does happen. It is possible if they aren't being fed an appropriate diet with all the necessary minerals.

How Do I Stop My Parakeet From Pooping In The Water?

Parakeets can be quite messy when they poop, so having a bathtub for him to bathe in will help. If that doesn't work, then try putting some more perches around his cage but be sure not to put any within proximity to his water dish.

If your parakeet poops in his water dish, clean it and keep an eye on these sorts of things. The danger with bird feces in water that it is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Why Does My Parakeet Poop In His Food Dish?

Why Does My Parakeet Poop In His Food Dish?

It is unlikely your parakeet is aiming for his food dish! It is more likely that the placement of his perches is too close to his food dish, and he is just trying to get on it.

Consider moving the perch farther away from his food dish so that this won't happen again!

What Happens If A Parakeet Eats Its Poop?

In most cases, your parakeet eating its own poop should not be much of a concern. It would be a concern if you had more than one bird in the cage, as there is no way to determine if it was his own poop or the other bird's. Or worse, if he has been out free-flying and ate an unfamiliar bird's poop.

This could pose a greater risk because parasites and bacteria can be transmitted through bird poop. You should take it to the vet if you're worried and discuss a possible parasite infestation or bacterial infection.

In some cases, a parakeet eating its feces can give them an upset stomach and diarrhea because of all the bacteria in their feces. It is also possible for them to become ill from eating too much.

Can You Get Sick From Parakeet Poop? Is It Dangerous To Humans?

Humans can get sick from parakeet poop if the bird has been out of the cage and has eaten a parasite-infected poop or if they have come into contact with an infected, free-flying parakeet.

Parasites can be transmitted through feces when animals defecate on their food which then spreads to other parts of the environment.

In this post you can learn all about the diseases parakeets can carry and how to stay safe and keep your bird safe.


Parakeets are very intelligent, and they will do what is natural for them to survive. They will eat their poop because it has nutrients in it, so the bird eats its own feces as a way of getting vitamins back into its system. 

If you're worried about them eating too much poop, try giving them fresh vegetables instead or adding more protein into their diet like eggs or mealworms.

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