Can Parakeets Eat Mangoes?

Can Parakeets Eat Mangoes?

Parakeets can eat mango and have eaten them for years. Parakeets eat mangoes in the wild, and most come initially from tropical areas where mangoes grow naturally. Mangoes are nutrient-dense and tasty and are a favorite among many parakeets. Since 15% of a parakeet's diet should consist of fruits, mangoes make the perfect addition to a balanced diet.

However, the pit at the center of the mango can be toxic to parakeets and should be removed to avoid poisoning.

Nutritional Information For Mangoes 

According to the US Department Of Agriculture, mangoes have a high nutritional value and are beneficial for both humans and animals. 

Vitamin A25%
Vitamin C76%
Vitamin B60.2mg
Potassium257 mg
Vitamin K6.9ug

Benefits Of Mangoes For Parakeets

Mangoes are packed with lots of valuable nutrients and minerals necessary for the development of the parakeet. They include Vitamin A, which helps boost their immunity. Vitamin C helps promote wound healing and recovery and prevents infection.

Mangoes also contain Vitamin K and Calcium, which help promote strong bones, eggshells, and movement. These also facilitate blood clotting and help prevent over bleeding during injury.

They are also rich in Potassium which helps regulate the movement of fluids in parakeets and strengthen bones. Potassium also improves muscle and nerve function, promotes a healthy heart, and supports hormone production.

Antioxidants are also present in mangoes, and they kill radical cells in the body, fighting diseases like cancer and boosting immunity.

Further, they contain fiber which helps facilitate food movement down the GI tract preventing constipation and inflammation. The protein in mango also promotes muscle growth by acting as building blocks and is a source of energy.

How Much Mangoes Can Parakeets Eat?

A parakeet’s diet should have about 15% of fruit. This is how much mangoes they can take alongside other foods like seeds and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet.

How To Feed Mangoes To Your Parakeet

Wash the mango to remove any chemicals or toxins that may be present. It's also essential to deseed the mango as the pit can be toxic to parakeets.

Since both the skin and flesh are edible, the mango can be served without peeling. You can cut the mango into chunks depending on the size of your parakeet to make it easier for them to eat. 

Serve the mango on a clean feeder, and don't let it stay out too long as it may decompose and cause poisoning from mold and bacteria.

Are There Any Dangers To Feeding Mangoes To Parakeets?

Mango pits can be highly toxic to parakeets and should be discarded to prevent poisoning. When ingested, they produce a chemical compound that breaks down to form hydrogen cyanide, which is highly toxic.

Mangoes are also high in sugars, which can result in excess weight gain and related health complications when issued in large quantities.


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