Parakeet Health

Do Parakeets Need Sunlight

Do Parakeets Need Sunlight? Understanding How Light Affects Your Pet Parakeet’s Mood

The question “do parakeets need sunlight?” is a complicated one. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes and no. Parakeets do not need direct sunlight for their survival, but they do need it to stay healthy and live a healthy and happy life. Sunlight provides Vitamin D, which in turn helps keep the bird’s hormone levels balanced and …

Do Parakeets Need Sunlight? Understanding How Light Affects Your Pet Parakeet’s Mood Read More »

Do Parakeets Carry Diseases?

Do Parakeets Carry Diseases? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

There are many reasons why people may want to own a parakeet. These birds are small, adorable, and relatively inexpensive to care for. One of the most common questions new owners have is “do parakeets carry diseases?” There are several things that can cause illness in these little birds, including;  Infectious agents such as bacteria …

Do Parakeets Carry Diseases? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Read More »

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